搜索 Lyah

  • WhynotMedia的这部青春网剧讲述了韩国艺术高中(韩艺高)学生们的苦恼,他们在一个人气意味着排名、得不到heart就会成为失败者的世界里,迫切地寻找粉色的爱。以学生为中心,讲述他们的阶级和欲望、爱情和成长等陌生但更加大胆多彩的故事。
  • 《氧气》是一部求生题材法国惊悚片,由亚历山大·阿嘉执导。这部电影讲述了一名年轻女子(梅拉尼·罗兰饰,《鬼影特攻:以暴制暴》《无耻混蛋》)在低温舱中醒来,她不记得自己是谁,为何出现在这里。由于氧气即将耗尽,她必须重建自己的记忆,以逃离这噩梦般的场景。
  • 跟踪狂人HD
    Goldberg is short and thin. He wears glasses. He's lonely. He's a mediocre computer programmer that lives in Tel Aviv and spends most of his energy searching online for a girlfriend. His only friend is Audrey, his beloved female dog. Eisenberg is a thug. Tall, fat, approaching middle age and not completely sane. He spe…