搜索 拉斐尔·佩特松

  • In the fourth season, a woman is found brutally murdered on a small artificial Danish island close to the ?resund Bridge. The woman is Margrethe Thormod, Thormod, Director General of the Migration Agency in Copenhagen, who was recently embroiled in a deportation scandal. Danish detective Henrik begins to investigate th…
  • 二战期间,英国一架飞机在执行轰炸任务中,被德军击中,几名英国士兵被迫跳伞逃生。他们约好在土耳其浴室见面,并用这次行动的代号“鸳鸯茶”作为接头暗号。  他们分别降落在法国巴黎德军占领区的不同地点。大胡子中队长雷金纳德被动物园管理员所救。而另外两名士兵,也分别在油漆匠奥古斯德 (布尔维尔 饰)和乐队指挥斯塔尼斯拉斯(路易·德…
  • 科林(安德烈·杜索里埃 André Dussollier 饰)和凯瑟琳(萨宾·阿泽玛 Sabine Azéma 饰)是一对戏剧爱好者,在两人排练新戏期间,他们收到了一个惊人的消息,那就是他们共同的好友乔治(安德烈·杜索里埃 André Dussollier 饰)患上了不治之症,时日无多了。  乔治生病的消息让凯瑟琳的内心感到非常的复杂,因为她曾经和乔治之间有过一段…
  •   Season 2 begins 13 months after the events of the first season. A coastal tanker leaves the Öresund waterway and is headed straight for the Øresund Bridge. When the Coast Guard board the ship they discover there is no crew, and three Sw…