搜索 陈湘杰

  • Stage stars Tom and Ellen Bowen embark to open their show in England. Innocent-seeming Ellen is a female Don Juan and doesn't take dancing as seriously as brother Tom; on shipboard she meets her match, Lord John Brindale. Arrived in London, confirmed bachelor Tom auditions and is taken with cool dancer Anne Ashmond. Wi…
  • 江玲珑在调查一桩少女离奇失踪案件时,与平城少帅顾战北不打不相识。在顾战北的帮助下,江玲珑成功破案。江玲珑看中顾战北的实力,将人留在了侦探社组成探案CP。第二个案子被破,顾战北意识到,自己和江玲珑似乎卷进了一个连环杀人案中。而与此同时,江玲珑和顾战北之间爆发冲突。感情上的纠葛与十年前的旧案,潜藏在背后的黑手,都让他们面临着…
  • yle=f>杂志社的编辑苏晓沫一次失恋酒醉强吻了“外卖小哥”徐熙川,谁曾想居然是场误会。两个平凡人浪漫的邂逅,温暖的相恋。